Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ice Storm 2011

It was a pretty big disappointment.  In other news, it appears it did get cold enough at Bighouse to burst a pipe... well thats just my professional opinion, I dont really know what happened.  We do have a leak though and I am just hoping it will not take too much to fix it.  It is being added to our list of about twenty other things that needs to be looked at.  Were supposed to have a guy coming out this afternoon so hopefully he will be able to help us out a little. 

Joy is coming Monday! Im excited for her to be here for a few days.  Its a little bit bad timing because Blake is going to have tests all week so he has to be studying, but it will also be good because were finally starting our after school programs back.  It will be nice to have her around as extra help that first week. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wait, you expect me to help? I'll probably be sleeping all day ;)
