Monday, February 7, 2011


So, the main purpose of this post is to try and get BigHouse to pop up on the first page of a google search.  If you want to know more about BigHouse, go to the website or copy and paste into your browser.  Also, for all of you that follow me, or read me, please put a link on your blog and facebook! 

Here at BigHouse we are gearing up for the Swimsuit and Towel Drive.  Its gonna be crazy, but awesome!  I am working on my fear of calling people.  Well, its not really a fear, I just do not enjoy it at all.  I realized I really am not a good talker, and I dont just mean because I have been known to mumble a time or two.  I have always wanted to be more like Granddaddy, the way he can captivate everyone and tell a story so well.  Oh well, practice makes perfect, so, I suppose calling these corporate sponsors will be good practice!

In other news... I need a haircut.  Im starting to look like wolverine!  I saw The King's Speech the other day.  It is a quality film.  It got me interested in knowing more about the real life characters its based upon, so I did a little research.  From what I could find, the movie was fairly accurate, even throwing in little pieces of dialogue that appeared to be just filler, but actually revealed alot more about the characters real life personas than you realize while watching.  I always like smart films like that. 

I havent posted in a while, but Joy came down for about ten days a couple of weeks ago.  It was so good to see her, especially before she leaves for Ecuador for five months!!.  I am excited for her to go, though slightly jealous.  I love to travel and know she is gonna have so many amazing times and tales to tell.  We had a great time while she was here though.  I took her to her first Alabama gymnastics meet!! My entire family went which was really awesome, and I think Joy really got into it.  It is rather hard not to when you actually go and see how fun it is.  The rest of the time she helped me so, so, so much at BigHouse and we spend just hanging out and seeing friends.  I had a ton of fun with her.  I miss her already, but I know God will take care of us and really am happy she gets to travel abroad for a while. 

At the movies the other night, and then again during the Super Bowl (Go Pack Go), I saw several previews for new super hero movies.  I am a big fan so I am pretty excited for them to come out.  There is going to be a new Green Lantern, Thor, and Captain America that I have seen so far.  I am pretty sure they plan to do an Avengers movie soon after with Hulk and Iron Man too, and I hope with the Green Lantern film coming out, that means they want to make a Justice League movie also. That would be so cool. 

Anyways, I am hungry, so I am wrapping this up and going to eat.  Peace!


  1. When I saw the preview for Captain America I totally thought about you haha. And The Kings Speech was awesome; one of the best movies I have seen!

  2. I can definitely relate to your 'fear of calling people'! But unlike you, it's because no one believes that I'm not a five year old on the phone, haha. Anyway, great blog!
