Monday, February 14, 2011

Its official!

I am officially a BigHouse employee now! woot, woot.  To celebrate, we are having a Chick-fil-A night tonight, Monday February 14, 2011!!  Hope everyone can come out and celebrate with me!! or just come out and eat and donate your receipt in the little bin... besides whats sweeter than taking your sweetheart on a date to Chick-fil-A for Valentines Day? (For all of my northern followers, Chick-fil-A is a top notch fast food chain down here)  If you cant come tonight, or if you can and want to celebrate even more..., Saturday is going to be a BigHouse workday!! We need as many people as can come to help us with some stuff around here. Bring whatever tools you have! Our big project is going to be tearing down part of a shed in the back, but we will also be building a gaga pit and doing a little landscaping/building a brick wall and stairs!

Thats really all the news for now.  I have been thinking of a getting a new hobby.. I need something to get out and do.  Joy thought I should take up cooking, which is sort of already a hobby, however, I dont really want nor have the money to be cooking all the time.. its not healthy.  So, I need other suggestions people! Thanks, Joe


  1. You are just now an employee???
    Maybe you could do puzzles, collect stamps, or buy a metal detector? haha

  2. Oh goodness, Lauren! You know Joe too well -- he always talks about getting a metal detector and finding so many treasures with it. You shouldn't disregard my idea of cooking b/c you can figure out how to make a lot of cheap, but delicious meals!

  3. Congrats! I'm happy for Big House and you.
    As far as the could learn some redneck art from Danny D. or I've heard macrame is making a comeback...or crochet! I could show you the chain stitch.
